HESS telescopes discover new source of gamma rays called a superbubble

Optical image of the Milky Way and a multi-wavelength (optical, Hα) zoom into the Large Magellanic Cloud with superimposed H.E.S.S. sky maps.
Optical image of the Milky Way and a multi-wavelength (optical, Hα) zoom into the Large Magellanic Cloud with superimposed H.E.S.S. sky maps. (Milky Way image: © H.E.S.S. Collaboration, optical: SkyView, A. Mellinger; LMC image: © H.E.S.S. Collaboration, Hα: R. Kennicutt, J.E. Gaustad et al. (2001), optical (B-band): G. Bothun

Astronomers using the HESS telescopes have discovered a new source of high-energy gamma rays. Dubbed a superbubble, it appears to be a massive shell of gas and dust 270 light-years in diameter being blown outward by the radiation from multiple stars and supernovas. HESS also discovered two other gamma-ray sources, each a giant of its kind. One is a powerful supernova remnant and the other a pulsar wind nebula. All three objects are located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a small satellite galaxy orbiting the Milky Way at a distance of 170,000 ly. As a result, these objects are not only the most luminous gamma-ray sources discovered to date but also the first sources discovered outside the Milky Way.

Gamma-rays are emitted when very energetic charged particles collide with other particles, such as in a cloud of gas. Therefore, gamma radiation in the sky is often used as a proxy for high-energy phenomena. And astronomers have for long known that the Large Magellanic Cloud houses many such clusters of frenzied activity: weight for weight of their stars, the Cloud’s supernova rate is five times that of the Milky Way. It also hosts the Tarantula Nebula, which is the most active star-forming region in the Local Group of galaxies (which includes the Milky Way, Andromeda, the Cloud and more than 50 others).

Super-luminous sources

It is in this environment that the superbubble – designated 30 Dor C – thrives. According to the HESS team’s notice, it “appears to have been created by several supernovae and strong stellar winds”. In the data, it is visible as a strong source of gamma-rays because it is filled by highly energetic particles. The notice adds that this freak of nature

“represents a new class of sources in the very high-energy regime.”

The other two super-luminous sources are familiar to astronomers. Pulsars, especially, are the extremely dense remnants of stars that have run out of hydrogen to fuse and imploded, resulting in a rapidly spinning core composed of neutrons and wound by fierce magnetic fields. They emit a jet of energetic particles from polar points on their surface that form nebulaic clouds. One such cloud is N 157B, emitted by PSR J0537 – 6910. According to the HESS team, N 157B outshines the Crab Nebula in gamma-rays. The Crab Nebula is Milky Way’s most famous and most powerful source of gamma-rays.

The third is a supernova remnant: the rapidly expanding shell of gas that a once-heavy dying star blows away as its core collapses. The shell can be expelled at more than thousand times the speed of sound, resulting in a shockwave that can accelerate nearby particles and heat up upstream gas clouds to millions of kelvin. The resulting glow can last for thousands of years – but the one HESS has seen in the Cloud seems to going strong for 2,500-6,000 years, much longer than astronomers thought possible. It’s called N132D.

“Obviously, the high star formation rate of the LMC causes it to breed very extreme objects,” said Chia Chun Lu, a student at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg who analyzed the data for her thesis.

Imaging Cherenkov radiation

Detecting gamma-rays is no easy task because it requires the imaging of Cherenkov radiation. Just as when a jet flies through air at faster than the speed of sound and results in a sonic boom, a charged particle traveling at faster than the speed of light in that medium results in a shockwave of energy called Cherenkov radiation. This typically lasts a few billionths of a second and requires extremely sensitive cameras to capture.

When high-energy particles collide with the upper strata of Earth’s atmosphere, they percolate through while triggering the release of Cherenkov radiation. The five ground-based HESS telescopes – whose name stands for High Energy Stereoscopic System – quickly capture their bluish flashes before they disappear, and reconstruct their sources’ energy based on theirs. So, while gamma-rays can be a proxy for high-energy phenomena in the distant reaches of the cosmos, Cherenkov radiation in the upper atmosphere is a proxy for the gamma radiation itself.

Very-high-energy gamma-rays, of the order emitted by the Crab pulsar at the center of its nebula, are often the result of events that have made astronomers redefine what they consider anomalous. A good example is of GRB 080916C, a gamma-ray burst spotted in 2009 at about 12 billion ly from Earth. It was the result of a star collapsing into a black hole, with consequent ‘burp’ of energy lasting for a whopping 23 minutes. Valerie Connaughton, of the University of Alabama, Huntsville, and one of the members of the team studying the burst, said of its energy: “… it would be equivalent to 4.9 times the mass of the sun being converted to gamma rays in a matter of minutes”.

Natural particle accelerators

Such profuse emissions can behave like natural particle accelerators, often reaching energies the Large Hadron Collider can only dream of. They give scientists the opportunity to study particles as well as the vacuum of space in conditions closer to that prevalent at the time of the Big Bang, in effect rendering the telescopes that study them as probes of fundamental physics. In the case of GRB 080916C, for example, low-energy gamma-rays dominated the first five seconds of emissions, following by the high-energy gamma-rays for the next twenty minutes. As astronomy-blogger Paul Gilster interpreted this,

They might also give us a read on theories of quantum gravity that suggest empty space is actually a froth of quantum foam, one that would allow lighter, lower-energy gamma rays to move more quickly than their higher-energy cousins. Future observations to study unusual time lags like these should help us pin down a plausible explanation.

The Fermi orbiting telescope that spotted the burst is also used to look for dark matter. When certain hypothetical particles of dark matter annihilate or decay, they yield high-energy antielectrons that could then annihilate upon colliding with electrons and yield gamma-rays. These are measured by Fermi. Then, astronomers use preexisting data as a filter to extrude anomalous observations and use it inform their theories of dark matter.

In this sense, the HESS telescopes are important observers of the universe. They comprise five telescopes, of which four, each 12 meters in diameter, are situated on the corners of a square of side 120 m. At the center is the fifth telescope of diameter 28 m. The array, fixed up with computers to work as one big telescope, is located in Namibia, and is capable of observing gamma-ray fluxes in the range 30 GeV to 100 TeV. In 2015, in fact, construction for the more-impressive $268-million Cherenkov Telescope Array will start. Upon completion, it will be able to study gamma-ray fluxes of 100 TeV but with a wider angle of observation and much larger collecting area.

Whether or not the CTA can pinpoint the existence of dark matter, it will likely allow astronomers to discover more superbubbles, pulsar wind nebulae, supernova remnants and gamma-ray bursts, each more revealing than the last about the universe’s deepest secrets.

A gamma ray telescope at Hanle: A note

A gamma ray telescope is set to come up at Hanle, Ladakh, in 2015 and start operations in 2016. Hanle was one of the sites proposed to install a part of the Cherenkov Telescope Array, too. A survey conducted in the 1980s and 90s threw up Hanle as a suitable site to host telescopes because “it had very clear and dark skies almost throughout the year, and a large number of photometric and spectroscopic nights,” according to Dr. Pratik Majumdar of the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata.

The Cherenkov Telescope Array will comprise networked arrays of telescopes in the northern and southern hemispheres to study and locate sources of up to 100-TeV gamma rays. Dr. Subir Sarkar at Oxford University had told me at the time that “the CTA southern observatory will be able to study the center of the galaxy, while the northern observatory [of which the Hanle telescope will be a part] will focus on extra-galactic sources.” Another Cherenkov telescope, called HAGAR, has been in operation at Hanle since 2008, according to Dr. Majumdar.

Artist's conception of the CTA once installed at one of its sites.
Artist’s conception of the CTA once installed at one of its sites. Image: Pratik Majumdar/SINP

Although Hanle was in the running around July 2013, its name was lifted from the list by April 2014. Dr Sarkar had written to me earlier,

“I realize it is interesting to mention to your readers that Hanle, Ladakh is a proposed site. However I should tell you that this is very unlikely – not because the site is unsuitable (in fact it is excellent from the scientific point of view) but because the Indian Govt. does not permit foreign nationals to visit there. I know a French postdoc who was at TIFR for several years and is now working with Pratik Majumdar at SINP … even he has been unable to get clearance to go to Hanle! I do think India needs to be more proactive about opening up to people from abroad, especially in science and technology, in order to benefit from international collaboration. Unfortunately this is not happening!”

This is ‘closedness’ showed up in another place recently: at the INO, Theni.

Dr. Majumdar added,

Almost all the research institutes and installations in India need to pull up their socks particularly in case of dealing with such bureaucratic procedures [of letting foreign scientists move around inside the country]. We do need to change this inhibitive attitude. BARC is another case where bringing in foreigners for work/visits is quite a big hassle and that is not just for foreigners, even any Indian national is not allowed to take laptops/CDs/other electronic items inside BARC without special permissions. This is unthinkable to me in today’s age. So, even though it does not sound very bad always, there are various layers of inhibition where at various levels this has to be fought.

He added that HAGAR operated with similar restrictions. In fact, in 2018, another gamma-ray observatory is set to be installed in Hanle by TIFR and BARC. So we have local scientific institutions asking for more international participation and eager to deliver results, and on the other hand annoying bureaucratic restrictions on those who decide to participate.

Ambitious gamma-ray telescope takes shape

I wrote a shortened version of this piece for The Hindu on July 4, 2013. This is the longer version, with some more details thrown in.

Scientists and engineers from 27 countries including India are pitching for a next-generation gamma-ray telescope that could transform the future of high-energy astrophysics.

Called the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), the proposed project is a large array of telescopes to complement existing observatories, the most potent of which are in orbit around Earth. By building it on land, scientists feel the CTA could be much more sophisticated than orbiting observatories, which are limited by logistical constraints.

Werner Hofmann, CTA spokesperson of the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Germany, told Nature, a comparable orbiting telescope would have to be “the size of a football stadium”.

The CTA’s preliminary designs reveal that it boasts of greater angular resolution, and 10 times more sensitivity and energy-coverage, than existing telescopes. The collaboration will finalise the locations for setting up the CTA, which will consist of two networked arrays in the northern and southern hemispheres, by end-2013. Construction is slated for 2015 at a cost of $268 million.

One proposed northern hemisphere location is in Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir.

Indian CTA collaboration

Dr. Pratik Majumdar, Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP), Kolkata, said via email, “A survey was undertaken in the late 1980s. Hanle, in Ladakh, was a good site fulfilling most of our needs: very clear and dark skies throughout the year, with a large number of photometric and spectroscopic nights at par with other similar places in the world, like La Palma in Canary Islands and Arizona desert, USA.”

However, it serves to note that the Indian government does not permit foreign nationals to visit Hanle. “I do think India needs to be more proactive about opening up to people from abroad, especially in science and technology, in order to benefit from international collaboration – unfortunately this is not happening,”said Dr. Subir Sarkar, Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, Oxford University, via email. Dr. Sarkar is a member of the collaboration.

Each network will consist of four 23-metre telescopes to image weaker gamma-ray signals, and dozens of 12-metre and 2-4-metre telescopes to image the really strong ones. Altogether, they will cover an area of 10 sq. km on ground.

Scientists from SINP are also conducting simulations to better understand the performance of CTA.

Led by it, the Indian collaboration comprises Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR). They will be responsible for building the calibration system with the Max Planck Institute, and developing structural sub-systems of various telescopes to be fabricated in India.

Dr. B.S. Acharya, TIFR, believes the CTA can add great value to existing telescopes in India, especially the HAGAR gamma-ray telescope array in Hanle. “It is a natural extension of our work on ground-based gamma-ray astronomy in India, since 1969,” he said in an email to this Correspondent.

Larger, more powerful

While existing telescopes, like MAGIC (Canary Islands) and VERITAS (Arizona), and the orbiting Fermi-LAT and Swift, are efficient up to the 100-GeV energy mark, the CTA will be able to reach up to 100,000 GeV with the same efficiency.

Gamma rays originate from sources like dark matter annihilation, dying stars and supermassive black holes, whose physics has been barely understood. Such sources accelerate protons and electrons to huge energies and these interact with ambient matter, radiation and magnetic fields to generate gamma rays, which then travel through space.

When such a high-energy gamma-ray hits atoms in Earth’s upper atmosphere, a shower of particles are produced that cascade downward. Individual telescopes pick these up for analysis, but a network of telescopes spread over a large area would collect greater amounts, tracking them back better to their sources.

Here, CTA’s large collection area will come to play.

“No telescope based at one point on Earth can see the whole sky. The proposed CTA southern observatory will be able to study the centre of the galaxy, while the northern observatory will focus on extragalactic sources,” said Dr. Sarkar.

Gamma-ray astronomy has seen global interest since the early 1950s, when astronomers began to believe some cosmic phenomena ought to emit the radiation. After developing the telescopes in the 1960s to analyse it, some 150 sources have been mapped. The CTA is expected to chart a 1,000 more.

The HESS II gamma-ray telescope in the Khoma Highland, Namibia, is currently the world's largest telescope for gamma-ray astrophysics, possessing a 28-meter wide mirror.
The HESS II gamma-ray telescope in the Khoma Highland, Namibia, is currently the world’s largest telescope for gamma-ray astrophysics, possessing a 28-meter wide mirror.