Accurate measurement of exoplanet radius

Using data from NASA's Kepler and Spitzer Space Telescopes, scientists have made the most precise measurement ever of the size of a world outside our solar system, as illustrated in this artist's conception. Image: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Image: Imaginative illustration of Kepler 93b’s diameter being measured. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Using both the Kepler and the Spitzer space telescopes, scientists from NASA have made the most precise measurement of an exoplanet’s radius yet. Kepler 93b, which orbits a dim star 300 ly away, has a diameter of 18,800 km, give or take 240 km. “The measurement is so precise that it’s literally like being able to measure the height of a six-foot tall person to within three-quarters of an inch – if that person were standing on Jupiter,” said Sarah Ballard, an astronomer at the University of Washington and lead author of a paper in The Astrophysical Journal that describes the findings, in a JPL statement.

Kepler 93b is a super-earth, a common class of planets in the Milky Way but missing in the Solar System. Super-earths weigh between the masses of Earth and Uranus. Scientists were able to its radius to within 240 km by first using the Kepler space telescope to record how much of starlight the exoplanet blocked when transiting across its face. Next, they used precise measurements of seismic waves moving within the star’s interior to calculate how much light it gave off and its radius. This technique falls within the field of astroseismology that has been used since the early 2000s. Astroseismic measurements are effective when the observatories have a long baseline, long observing time and high photometric precision.

The scientists were aided in their work by Kepler 93 being a cool dwarf star whose brightness varies less often and strongly enough to help constrain planetary transit and seismic measurements.

Then, the Spitzer space telescope used its Infrared Array Camera, or IRAC, to confirm that what Kepler was observing wasn’t a false-positive. It did this by using the fact that no matter which wavelength a transiting exoplanet is observed in, its transit depth will be the same. The transit depth is the ratio of the size of a planet’s disk to the star’s disk. So while Keplre measures this ratio in visible light, the IRAC will measure it in infrared light. To rule out a false-positive, the two measurements have to be the same.

The IRAC measurement was improved using a method developed in 2011, which checks how light falls on individual pixels in the camera. The scientists used Kepler 93b as a test bed, examining the exoplanet’s seven transits recorded between 2010 and 2011 in detail. Based on its mass – 3.8-times Earth’s – and radius, it was found to be made mostly of iron and rock, its biggest similarity to Earth. However, it orbits its star at a distance almost 19 times shorter than that between us and our Sun, making its surface too hot for life at 760 degrees Celsius.

Spitzer lost its coolant, and therefore the sensitivity of some of its instruments, in 2009. A telescope that measures heat coming in from various regions of the cosmos must have little heat of its own, which the cryogen ensured. Once it ran out, the temperature inside the telescope rose by 29 degrees Celsius, too warm for longer wavelength instruments but still cold enough for shorter wavelength ones like IRAC. The precision of the Kepler 93b measurement will give hope for future studies to understand why and how super-earths form, and instruments like IRAC will play an important role in that scenario.



Sarah Ballard et al., Kepler 93b: A terrestrial world measured to within 120 km, and a test case for a new Spitzer observing mode, 2014 ApJ 790 12 doi:10.1088/0004-637X/790/1/12 (pre-print)

JPL press releaseThe Most Precise Measurement of an Alien World’s Size, July 23, 2014

Kepler data reveals a frost giant

I’ve been most fascinated lately by studies of planet formation. Every small detail is like that one letter in the crossword you need to fill all the other boxes in, every discovery a cornerstone that holds together a unique piece of the universe. For example, using just the find that the exoplanet Beta Pictoris b has a very short day of eight hours, astronomers could speculate on how it was formed, what its density could be, and how heavy it could get over time. And it isn’t surprising if a similar tale awaits telling by Kepler 421b, an exoplanet some 1,000 ly from Earth toward the constellation Lyra. Its discovery was reported on July 17, a week ago. And its pièce de résistance is that it has a long year, i.e. orbital period, of 704 days.

Illustrating the transit technique. The technique applies only when the planet can be seen head on against the background of its star. Image:

Image: Illustrating the transit technique. The Kepler telescope looks for the drop in brightness in its search for exoplanets. The technique applies only when the planet can be seen head on against the background of its star. Credit:

To have such a long year, it must be orbiting pretty far from its star – Kepler 421 – which in turn should’ve made it hard to discover. The NASA Kepler space telescope spots exoplanets by looking for the dip in a star’s brightness as the planet moves in front of it, called a transit. Because of Kepler 421b’s high orbital period, it transited its central star only twice in the four years Kepler was looking at it. Together with its orbital eccentricity – i.e. how elliptic its orbit is – Kepler had only a 0.3% chance of spotting it on its way around the star. In fact, 421b has the longest year for any known exoplanet discovered using the transit technique. This means we need to start considering if the M.O. isn’t good enough to spot exoplanets with large orbital periods, a class of planets that astronomers have been looking for. On the other hand, now that 421b has been spotted and studied to some extent, astronomers can form impressions of its history and future.

The frost line

For starters, they were able to deduce the planet’s size based on how much starlight it blocked and the shape of its orbit from how much light it blocked during each full transit. The readings point to 421b being like Uranus, with radius four times Earth’s, density at least 5 g/cc, and an eccentric orbit. Being like Uranus also means a surface temperature of -90 degrees Celsius (183 kelvin). This is plausible because 421b is 1.2 times as far from its star as Earth is from the Sun, and its star is a dimmer orange dwarf.

These wintry conditions are found beyond a star’s frost line, an imaginary line marking the distance beyond which space is cold enough to cause hydrogen-based molecules to condense into icy grains. So planets orbiting beyond this distance are also icy. Kepler 421b is likely the first exoplanet astronomers have found (using the transit technique) orbiting a star beyond its frost line. In other words, this might be our first exoplanet that’s an ice giant – “might” because 421b hasn’t been independently observed yet.

Not surprisingly, the frost line also marks a more significant boundary in terms of planet formation. Though observations made by Kepler are starting to show that the Solar System is a surprisingly unique planetary system, it’s still the one we understand best and use to analogize what we finds in other worlds. Astronomers believe planets in the system formed out of a disk of matter surrounding a younger Sun. The inner Earth-like (telluric) planets formed when rocky matter started to clump together and “fall out” of this disk. The outer gaseous planets, beyond the frost line, formed when icy grains stuck together to form watery planetary embryos.

In this artist's conception, gas and dust-the raw materials for making planets-swirl around a young star. The planets in our solar system formed from a similar disk of gas and dust captured by our sun. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech


Image: In this artist’s conception, gas and dust-the raw materials for making planets-swirl around a young star. The planets in our solar system formed from a similar disk of gas and dust captured by our sun. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

The prevailing belief is that planets take at least three million years to form. In the same period, the central star is also evolving – in this case, Kepler 421 is a K-class star becoming brighter – and the amount of material available in the protoplanetary disk is diminishing because planets are feeding off it. Consequently, the frost line is on the move. Calculations by the astronomers who discovered 421b find the exoplanet to be now where the system’s frost line might’ve been three million years ago.

The sedate giant

Right now, we’ve a lot of letters in the crossword. Piecing them together, we can learn the following:

  1. If a beyond-the-frost-line gas giant is as big as Uranus but not as big as Jupiter, it’s possible that not enough material was available when it started to form, rendering it a latecomer in the system
  2. The abundance of material required to form Jupiter-sized planets makes smaller worlds likelier than larger ones, and in fact implies worlds like 421b should be less unique than Kepler makes it seem (a 2013 study cited by the discoverers suggests that there might actually be a pile-up of planets transiting at the frost line of their stars)
  3. If the planet had to have formed behind its star’s frost line, and the frost line was three million years ago where the planet is now, the planet could be around three million years old – assuming it hasn’t moved around since forming
  4. 421b is very Uranus-like; if it has to be a rocky world, its mass has to be 60 times Earth’s, pointing at an improbably massive protoplanetary disk within one or two AU of a star – something we’re yet to find

#3 warrants a comparison with the Solar System’s history, especially Jupiter’s. Jupiter didn’t form where it is right now, having possibly moving toward and away from the Sun as a result of gravitational interactions with other planets that were forming. During its journeys, its own gravitational pull could’ve tugged on asteroid belts and other free-floating objects, pulling them out of one location and depositing them in another. Contrarily, 421b appears to have been far more sedate, probably not having moved at all due to its youth and isolation. If only it had moved inward, like Jupiter eventually did, its orbital period would’ve been shorter and Kepler would’ve have spotted it easier.

The confusion Jupiter might've caused during its journey through Middle Earth. Image:

Image: The confusion Jupiter might’ve caused during its journey through a nascent Solar System. Credit:

Another comparison can be made with Beta Pictoris b, the other exoplanet mentioned at the beginning of this piece, the one with the eight-hour-long days. Younger planets spin faster because they still have the angular momentum they acquired while accumulating mass before slowing down in time. Heavier planets also spin faster because they have more angular momentum to conserve. Similarly, we might be able to find out more about Kepler 421b’s past by uncovering its spin rate and getting a better estimate of its mass.

Anyway, a simple piecing together of facts and possibilities tells us – at least me – this much. Astronomers have one more awesome fact to take away: as the finders of 421b write in their pre-print paper, “the first member of this missing class of planets” has been found, and that means more astronomy to look forward to!



Discovery of a transiting planet near the snow line, Kipping et al, arXiv:1407.4807 (accepted in The Astrophysical Journal)