A voyager on an unknown sea

Early 2012. The Voyager 1 space-probe is millions of kilometres beyond the orbit of the dwarf planet Pluto. In fact, it’s in a region of space filled with scattered rocks and constantly perturbed by charged particles streaming in from outer space. Has it left the Solar System, then? Nobody is sure.

Late 2012. Scientists still aren’t sure if Voyager 1 has crossed over into the interstellar medium. The ISM is the region of the universe between stars, where the probe would definitely have been outside the Solar System. The probe’s batteries had been low for a while. An important instrument on-board that could’ve ‘sniffed’ at the charged particles and known where the probe was is dead. Only something like luck could save the day.

June 2013. Three papers published in Science discuss changes in the magnetic fields around the probe. Some measurements indicate Voyager 1 is in the ISM. Others say it’s just entered a new region of space, a ‘transition zone’ between the Solar System’s outermost fringes and the first tastes of the universe beyond.

August 2013. Luck finally struck. A storm on the surface of the Sun had ejected a massive burst of its own charged particles, way back in March 2012. They coursed in waves throughout the Solar System. When the waves met the charged particles Voyager 1 was swimming in, there was a resonating, a twang in the electromagnetic field. Some other instruments could pick that up well. It was confirmation that Voyager 1 was out and away.

September 2013. The announcement was made to much celebration.

But in December 2014, there was a surprise.


When the charged particles from the Sun, called a coronal mass ejection, meet the sea of charged particles in the ISM, it’s like a big wave hitting a placid shore. There is a tsunami, a disturbance spreading outward like ripples in water. Scientists don’t know how potent these tsunamis can be, but they assumed not too much because of the distances involved as well as the timescales.

They were wrong. On December 15, NASA reported that Voyager 1 was still recording the effects of a tsunami that had been unleashed 10 months ago, in February. As Don Gurnett, professor of physics at the University of Iowa, noted, “Most people would have thought the interstellar medium would have been smooth and quiet. But these shock waves seem to be more common than we thought.”

Just like a small ball floating on the surface of a pond bobs up and down when ripples pass under it, Voyager 1’s instruments pick up a bobbing of the electromagnetic field around it. These oscillations can be translated to and relayed as a sound with rising and falling pitches. Listen to it here.

One of the telltale signs that Voyager 1 is in interstellar space is that the sea of particles – or plasma – it’s cruising through gets thicker, as if more viscous. Based on observations, the plasma density has been increasing the farther out Voyager 1 goes. “Is that because the interstellar medium is denser as Voyager moves away from the heliosphere, or is it from the shock wave itself? We don’t know yet,” said Ed Stone, project scientist for the Voyager mission at Caltech.

If you’ve listened to the audio file, you’ll see how eerie it feels. The Sun’s coronal mass ejection behaves like a lighthouse in this sense. As its light – in the form of the charged particles – sweeps through space, the little boat called Voyager 1 finds its way in a rough and uncharted sea, one bob at a time. Here’s to the Sun keeping it going.


O Voyager, where art thou?

On September 5, 1977, NASA launched the Voyager 1 space probe to study the Jovian planets Jupiter and Saturn, and their moons, and the interstellar medium, the gigantic chasm between various star-systems in the universe. It’s been 35 years and 9 months, and Voyager has kept on, recently entering the boundary between our System and the Milky Way.

In 2012, however, when nine times farther from the Sun than is Neptune, the probe entered into a part of space completely unknown to astronomers.

On June 27, three papers were published in Science discussing what Voyager 1 had encountered, a region at the outermost edge of the Solar System they’re calling the ‘heliosheath depletion region’. They think it’s a feature of the heliosphere, the imagined bubble in space beyond whose borders the Sun has no influence.

“The principal result of the magnetic field observations made by our instrument on Voyager is that the heliosheath depletion region is a previously undetected part of the heliosphere,” said Dr. Leonard Burlaga, an astrophysicist at the NASA-Goddard Space Flight Centre, Maryland, and an author of one of the papers.

“If it were the region beyond the heliosphere, the interstellar medium, we would have expected a change in the magnetic field direction when we crossed the boundary of the region. No change was observed.”

More analysis of the magnetic field observations showed that the heliosheath depletion region has a weak magnetic field – of 0.1 nano-Tesla (nT), 0.6 million times weaker than Earth’s – oriented in such a direction that it could only have arisen because of the Sun. Even so, this weak field was twice as strong as what lay outside it in its vicinity. Astronomers would’ve known why, Burlaga clarifies, if it weren’t for the necessary instrument on the probe being long out of function.

When the probe crossed over into the region, this spike in strength was recorded within a day. Moreover, Burlaga and others have found that the spike happened thrice and a drop in strength twice, leaving Voyager 1 within the region at the time of their analysis. In fact, after August 25, 2012, no drops have been recorded. The implication is that it is not a smooth region.

“It is possible that the depletion region has a filamentary character, and we entered three different filaments. However, it is more likely that the boundary of the depletion region was moving toward and away from the sun,” Burlaga said.

The magnetic field and its movement through space are not the only oddities characterising the heliosheath depletion region. Low-energy ions blown outward by the Sun constantly emerge out of the heliosphere, but they were markedly absent within the depletion region. Burlaga was plainly surprised: “It was not predicted or even suggested.”

Analysis by Dr. Stamatios Krimigis, the NASA principal investigator for the Low-Energy Charged Particle (LECP) experiment aboard Voyager 1 and an author of the second paper, also found that cosmic rays, which are highly energised charged particles produced by various sources outside the System through unknown mechanisms, weren’t striking Voyager’s detectors equally from all directions. Instead, more hits were being recorded in certain directions inside the heliosheath depletion region.

Burlaga commented, “The sharp increase in the cosmic rays indicate that cosmic rays were able to enter the heliosphere more readily along the magnetic fields of the depletion region.”

Even though Voyager 1 was out there, Krimigis feels that humankind is blind: astronomers’ models were, are, clearly inadequate, and there is no roadmap of what lies ahead. “I feel like Columbus who thought he had gotten to West India, when in fact he had gone to America,” Krimigis contemplates. “We find that nature is much more imaginative than we are.”

With no idea of how the strange region originated or whence, we’ll just have to wait and see what additional measurements tell us. Until then, the probe will continue approaching the gateway to the Galaxy.

This blog post, as written by me, first appeared in The Hindu‘s science blog on June 29, 2013.

A NASA photograph of the Voyager space probe, 1977.
A NASA photograph of the Voyager space probe, 1977. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

On September 5, 1977, NASA launched the Voyager 1 space probe to study the Jovian planets Jupiter and Saturn, and their moons, and the interstellar medium, the gigantic chasm between various star-systems in the universe. It’s been 35 years and 9 months, and Voyager has kept on, recently entering the boundary between our System and the Milky Way.

In 2012, however, when nine times farther from the Sun than is Neptune, the probe entered into a part of space completely unknown to astronomers.

On June 27, three papers were published in Science discussing what Voyager 1 had encountered, a region at the outermost edge of the Solar System they’re calling the ‘heliosheath depletion region’. They think it’s a feature of the heliosphere, the imagined bubble in space beyond whose borders the Sun has no influence.

“The principal result of the magnetic field observations made by our instrument on Voyager is that the heliosheath depletion region is a previously undetected part of the heliosphere,” said Dr. Leonard Burlaga, an astrophysicist at the NASA-Goddard Space Flight Centre, Maryland, and an author of one of the papers.

“If it were the region beyond the heliosphere, the interstellar medium, we would have expected a change in the magnetic field direction when we crossed the boundary of the region. No change was observed.”

More analysis of the magnetic field observations showed that the heliosheath depletion region has a weak magnetic field – of 0.1 nano-Tesla (nT), 0.6 million times weaker than Earth’s – oriented in such a direction that it could only have arisen because of the Sun. Even so, this weak field was twice as strong as what lay outside it in its vicinity. Astronomers would’ve known why, Burlaga clarifies, if it weren’t for the necessary instrument on the probe being long out of function.

When the probe crossed over into the region, this spike in strength was recorded within a day. Moreover, Burlaga and others have found that the spike happened thrice and a drop in strength twice, leaving Voyager 1 within the region at the time of their analysis. In fact, after August 25, 2012, no drops have been recorded. The implication is that it is not a smooth region.

“It is possible that the depletion region has a filamentary character, and we entered three different filaments. However, it is more likely that the boundary of the depletion region was moving toward and away from the sun,” Burlaga said.

The magnetic field and its movement through space are not the only oddities characterising the heliosheath depletion region. Low-energy ions blown outward by the Sun constantly emerge out of the heliosphere, but they were markedly absent within the depletion region. Burlaga was plainly surprised: “It was not predicted or even suggested.”

Analysis by Dr. Stamatios Krimigis, the NASA principal investigator for the Low-Energy Charged Particle (LECP) experiment aboard Voyager 1 and an author of the second paper, also found that cosmic rays, which are highly energised charged particles produced by various sources outside the System through unknown mechanisms, weren’t striking Voyager’s detectors equally from all directions. Instead, more hits were being recorded in certain directions inside the heliosheath depletion region.

Burlaga commented, “The sharp increase in the cosmic rays indicate that cosmic rays were able to enter the heliosphere more readily along the magnetic fields of the depletion region.”

Even though Voyager 1 was out there, Krimigis feels that humankind is blind: astronomers’ models were, are, clearly inadequate, and there is no roadmap of what lies ahead. “I feel like Columbus who thought he had gotten to West India, when in fact he had gone to America,” Krimigis contemplates. “We find that nature is much more imaginative than we are.”

With no idea of how the strange region originated or whence, we’ll just have to wait and see what additional measurements tell us. Until then, the probe will continue approaching the gateway to the Galaxy.

(This blog post first appeared on The Copernican on June 28, 2013.)